Stretching is very important, but it should be done when muscles are warmed up, preferably during or after a workout.

Your daily workout cards do not include stretching, however it is highly recommended that you incorporate at least five minutes of stretching at the end of each workout.

Many people have favorite stretches that work best for them and their body. So, feel free to create your own stretching routine or follow the simple guidelines for stretching positions.

There are three kinds of stretches: Dynamic, Static and Isometric.

Dynamic Stretching involves gentle stretches while in motion; no bouncing or forcing. This is the only type of stretch that should be performed before your workout.

Static Stretches are characterized by stretching slightly past the point of comfort without injury, and then holding it. These should not be particularly painful but will definitely elicit a stretch. Hold 10-30 seconds for each stretch.

Isometric Stretches involve the pressing or pulling against a solid and immovable object and is considered one of the most effective forms of stretching. For example, pulling or pushing against a wall, doorway or bar; using the ground to push against while in a lunge position to stretch the calves. The idea is to use leverage to “pull” or “push” yourself into a more intense stretch than could naturally be achieved with bodyweight alone.

Yoga is a great way to stretch and relax and incorporates all three of these stretching techniques. A good yoga class at least once a week can be a great addition to any exercise regimen and should leave your body feeling very relaxed and well-balanced, while aiding the recovery of muscles you have worked during the week. Flexibility training elicits a feeling of rejuvenation and more importantly—aids in the nourishment of muscles and soft tissues by increasing bloodflow and nutrients to these areas for optimum strength, function and body composition.

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